
1 min

How to Avoid Blindspots

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

You check your mirrors before changing lanes and the coast is clear. As soon as you start to move the wheel, you hear a loud HONK and realize that there was a vehicle in your blind spot.

Has this ever happened to you? Probably. So, how do you teach your teen the proper way to avoid the frustration—or even worse an accident—that comes with the dreaded blind spot?

Here is a very short video that explains one exercise that can really help:

Once you complete this simple exercise, your teenager will realize how important it is to check behind the car before they get in the car to back up. This can end up saving you lots of money in reduced fender benders and damage to your car, and it can also help keep your teen safe and other drivers around them safer on the road.

This tip comes from Lesson 6 in my video series "Teaching Driving." For more free driving tips and tricks, check out our other blog posts, or visit our website.